Tag Archives: activemq

RabbitMQ Clojure Example

RabbitMQ is a messaging application. You can relate it to similar solutions like ActiveMQ or MSMQ.

Essentially RabbitMQ is commonly-used, light, flexible and relatively fast AMQP solution. The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is two layered (Functional and Transport) binary protocol specially tunned for message sending 😀 so to say – more information about AMQP and AMQ Architecture here. Furthermore RabbitMQ provides additional plugnins for STOMP, MQTT and bridge for ØMQ

ActiveMQ is more sophisticated, highly configurable and multi wire level protocol solution – currently possible protocols are AMQP, MQTT, OpenWire, REST, RSS and Atom, Stomp, WSIF, WS Notification, XMPP – more information here. The default protocol for ActiveMQ is OpenWire you can see/edit it in /apache-activemq-version/conf/activemq.xml

Continue reading RabbitMQ Clojure Example

ActiveMQ asynchronous patterns

In previous post, I made a simple ActiveMQ (Paper-Rock-Scissors-game).

Now we are going tune it up a bit by implementing several small design improvements:

  • Implement Return Address pattern
  • Implement Correlation Identifier pattern
  • Transform the consumer to asynchronous by replacing the method receive() with implementation of the interface MessageListener

Continue reading ActiveMQ asynchronous patterns

ActiveMQ Java example

This post describes simple ‘paper-rock-scissors’ ActiveMQ Java example. ActiveMQ is the Apache response of MSMQ. There is a good installation for all OS in the book ‘ActiveMQ in Action’ or in here

At the end you should have two things up and running:
http://localhost:61616 and http://localhost:8161/admin/

We got the following task:

Make ”Paper-Rock-Scissor”-game

  • Each application randomly picks one of the three options and using messaging transmits it to the opponent.
  • An outcome is determined and displayed on the console.

Continue reading ActiveMQ Java example